I won't shed a tear.

You don't know when to stop, huh?

Alright then, Cowabanga. I ... don't really know you, but I would not be surprised if you read this despite you saying "I will close the tab!".

And, to be honest, I can see where you're coming from. I tried to look through your posts to create a list that would show why you're leaving, but you're posting so much that this becomes difficult. On the plus side, though, most of these posts were helpful and nice. laugh
On the down side, some of them where predictable posts with little to no content - there must have been a phase in which you were the first to jump on any "Jobs offered"-post with something like "Nobody will help if you don't pay!!". Truth to be told, I could live without these posts.

But I really don't think you deserved the beating you sometimes got here. No, scratch that, it's not a "I really don't think". I'm going to use stronger terms and say you definately didn't deserve that.
I'm all for a little joking here and there, but sometimes, people just went way too far.

I mean, take this as what you will. I'm not a moderator, much less someone who matters (and thank god for that!), but I do read posts here regulary. I think I will definately notice your absence.
What really bothers me though is the circumstances in which you (have to?) leave.
Too bad you've decided to leave this place for good. I suppose taking it a bit more slowly as far as posting is concerned would have worked just as well. Well, maybe you'll have a comeback as well! laugh

Well, alright then... It's a farewell thread, after all.
Good bye.

Perhaps this post will get me points for originality at least.

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