good work anyway, but the plugin doesn't work with example 19 from the workshops.

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include "physX.h"

VECTOR ball_speed;
ENTITY* ball;

function main()
	fps_max = 140;
	level_load("roller.wmb"); // load the level
	wait (2); // wait until the level is loaded
 	ball = ent_create ("ball.mdl", vector(-400, 0, 100), NULL); // create the ball
	pX_setgravity (vector(0, 0, -386)); // set the gravity
	pXent_settype (ball, PH_RIGID, PH_SPHERE); // set the physics entity type
	pXent_setmass (ball, 3, PH_SPHERE); // and its mass
	pXent_setfriction (ball, 80); // set the friction
	pXent_setdamping (ball, 40, 40); // set the damping
	pXent_setelasticity (ball, 50); // set the elasticity
	while (1)
		ball_speed.x = 25 * (key_cur - key_cul); // move the ball using the cursor keys
		ball_speed.y = 25 * (key_cuu - key_cud); // 25 sets the x / y movement speeds
		ball_speed.z = 0; // no need to move on the vertical axis
		pXent_addtorqueglobal (me, ball_speed); // add a torque (an angular force) to the ball
		camera.x = ball.x - 300; // keep the camera 300 quants behind the ball
		camera.y = ball.y; // using the same y with the ball
		camera.z = 1000; // and place it at z = 1000 quants
		camera.tilt = -60; // make it look downwards
		wait (1);

the ball simplay falls threw the ground.