First of all thanks for all the hard work.

I have some weird problem and the obvious reason most likely is me.

I use some test level consisting of a mixture of blocks and models. The models have flag8 turned on.

I drop a physics sphere in there with a small change to the gravity vector:

void onforceandtorque2(NewtonBody* body)
float mass, ixx, iyy, izz;
NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix(body, &mass, &ixx, &iyy, &izz);
NewtonBodySetForce(body, vectorf(0, -1.024 * mass, -9.755 * mass));

This way I simulate a 6° slope without actually working with a slope.
Ball behaviour is fine, the only problem is, it does not collide with walls - it just passes through them. Regardless whether we're talking about blocks or models
Floor is not passed. What is going on!?

I modified the newton_debug.c to see whether the collision geometry was transfered correctly to Newton and everything looks fine.

I don't really understand what is wrong. I have worked with Newton before in Dark Basic, so I know Newton can do it.
I haven't done any change to the newton_main file, but couldn't see an obvious error with the collision tree generation either...

edit: I possible found it. Seems like my scale in A7 is too huge and the factor I need for transforming to meters is getting inaccurate.

Last edited by Firoball; 09/06/09 22:39.