Thanks for the feedback, but I have something to say...

Sorry, you must have misunderstood my present work. This is no level of a game, even the zombies are not "scripted". In fact this level was only made to test out the players abilities.
The player can walk, climb up ladders,jump...
And I have finished the HUD system.
With all informations like toxic warner, motion tracker, scanner, compass, communication monitor...
All weapons are scripted. That includ detection of enemies in front of the shoot range. Calculation of health and showing blood on floor, walls and in the air.

So the zombie is this part of the game are simple action scripts with a code like...
walk and if your health is zero - go down.
No attack, idle, eating...

The future:
I will build up a new test level for placing in waypoints, and I will now first script all splatter elements, which are caused by the weapons. You know, exploding heads, blood swallows out of the wounds and so on.

Writing the story, build up the planned levels, and making the music, menu... the EXE.

To make it clear.... till now there is only the player code, HUD code and weapon code.
No KI, no game levels, no music... no rocknroll
This thread will be the broadcast for the development of call of doom.