damn and thx for answer, i ll try to look for another method but its boring me, 2 days im trying to display a single message at the press of a key on a model t_t

does anyone know use messages.wdl in order to display a message easily, tried to include it but can't do anything with it :\

edit : i looked the workshop, "message", "action", etc, tried to start from the 1# but when i tried to do something in order to import them in my game i always get error -.

new edit : ok i succeeded in displaying a message on the screen (just added it at the end of messages.wdl :)) , now i just want to make that the message display only when i press CTRL face on a model, i return search but if i dont disagree if i can get some help laugh

now, I just need to get a condition for make my message displays when ctrl or space is pressed on a model (character)


here what i have for now but i don't know how to put the "on_w", i need something like

"if (on_w && my.enable.scan = on)
my.event = key_pîckup;"

but it dont works so if someone has a solution for me..

(for now, i got the message which shows up when i go near the model, but i want the condition "on_w" as well, as a normal dialog box with a character..)

Last edited by ayks; 09/18/09 01:59.