Hi !
I've just uploaded version 1.0.6 of the AcknexWrapper for A7.80.
This version adds two functions to the Scheduler class additionally to the
Scheduler.AddEventVoid(EventVoid MethodToSchedule)

Scheduler.NewFirstEventVoid(EventVoid MethodToSchedule)
Scheduler.NewLastEventVoid(EventVoid MethodToSchedule)

NewFirstEventVoid adds the function passed as parameter to the scheduler so that it is always executed BEFORE all other scheduled functions

NewLastEventVoid adds the function passed as parameter to the scheduler so that it is always executed AFTER all other scheduled functions

But one has to notice that the First and the Last EventVoid which may be assigned through this method, are first scheduled after one frame !

As always : if you know a function which should be added or something that you would like to see changed in the wrapper, post here ^^

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread