Originally Posted By: Damocles_
This video is a weired mix-up of different problems,

First it states, its about climate change (showing
the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, how stupid is that?)

Then it lamentates about drinking water shortage.
(where drinking water is not something that can be exported
around the world, its a local commodity, and some regions
simply have more than others)

Also: hunger is a typical problem in countries with overpopulation,
obesity is a problem in countries with low population growth.
Figure out what the actual reasons for hunger are..

Rice fields are also a huge contributor to methane production,
this fact is not stated.
So there is no simple "You should eat this" as valid argument.

Nature works in mysterious ways but one thing is sure - you cannot go against it . There is no court where you can hold a trial against nature.
The whole idea of the documentary is to show that if we continue to misuse nature for long , then there shall be dire consequences. Thats why the video is titled Planetary Emergency.

I like good 'views' because they have no 'strings' attached..