Hey Stromausfall,

i am getting an error if i try to compile the project,

Error 1 The command "CD C:\
C:\Program Files\GStudio7\WED.exe -p "C:\Users\Quadraxas\Desktop\test\testproj\testproj\bin\Debug\\testproj.exe"" exited with code 9009. testproj

post build command-line:
CD C:\
C:\Program files\GStudio7\WED.exe -p "$(TargetDir)\$(TargetFileName)"

i guess ijust saw this someone else asking this but i lost it, ill be glad if you could help.

edit:k, i changed post-build command line to this:

CD C:\Program Files\GStudio7\
WED.exe -p $(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName)

and it worked.

Last edited by Quadraxas; 09/28/09 13:41.