Would be a very impressive feature for the new Acknex 8 Version in the future.

Note: "MegaTexture refers to a texture allocation technique facilitating the use of an extremely large terrain texture instead of repeating multiple smaller textures. It is featured in Splash Damage's game, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and was developed by id Software technical director John Carmack.
MegaTexturing employs a single large texture for static terrain. The texture is stored on the hard disk and streamed as needed, allowing large amounts of detail and variation over a large area with comparatively little RAM usage. The upcoming game Rage powered by the id Tech 5 engine uses textures that measure up to 128000 x 128000 pixels."



Regards, Robert

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.
by Albert Einstein

PhysX Preview of Cloth, Fluid and Soft Body
