That's possible Esper. But very limited, you would also need a .ini file for the path of the game. Because the startup.exe would not know where the game is and what the name is, because all the startup.exe does is run a file by a given path and then retrieve the HWND of it, send messages to that HWND in a loop with the HWND of the startup.exe, as soon as the lite-c application catches it I can terminate the startup.exe cause it just retrieved the HWND of the startup.exe.

What if you wanted to have a button, or two. What if you wanted to have an animation of a logo. Or something moveing around in the window, custom cursor, music for background, sounds for the buttons. All these are possible in WinForms with .NET in visual studio 2008.

Last edited by Enduriel; 10/24/09 17:00.