i don't complain about the feature itself. not at all. they're well made and everything, i'm just wanted to say that he shouldn't focus TOO MUCH on those features and effects. (frankly put, i might have put it a little bit different in my last post.) i say that because i made the very same mistake very often. concentrated on the features too much and lost the gameplay out of sight, which led to a rather pretty scene, but - unfortunately - without any interesting gameplay whatsoever. like a pretty techdemo, but not like a game worth playing. kinda like crysis. you see, featuritis is a bitch. just sharing my experience, thats all. what i love about this project is that it's more or less frequently updated. there's nothing worse than an interesting project which dies somehow. worrying =/= complaining. although it sounded different in my last post, i have to confess.

well yeah. that's about it.

Yeah, but... Who is Lu?