I'm extra happy now. I've searched arround - and I'm beginning to understand how to do this.

I've got NVidia's Melody, and so I'll be able to generate the normal maps from my high and low poly models (by using melody).

Then I'm right in thinking I take the low poly model into MED. I have the texture skin, and the normal map skin and, I found this on another thread, is this the code I need to use?? (as the thread was partly german I got a little confused - but I think I understood correctly that this is a correct version of normal mapping code?).


MATERIAL bumpmap




matrix matWorldViewProj;

matrix matWorld;

texture entSkin1;

texture entSkin2;

vector vecLight;

technique dot3map


pass p0


Texture[0] = <entSkin2>;//2te Skin im Model ist die Normal Map

Texture[1] = <entSkin1>;//1te Skin im Model ist die Textur

COLOROP[0] = dotproduct3;

COLORARG1[0] = texture;

COLORARG2[0] = diffuse;

COLOROP[1] = modulate;

COLORARG1[1] = texture;

COLORARG2[1] = current;





VertexShaderConstant[20]= <vecLight>;




VertexShaderConstant[90]={1f,0f,0f,0f}; //damit oFog gefüllt ist

VertexShader =



stream 0;

float v0[3]; //Position

float v3[3]; //Normal

float v7[2]; //Textur Koordinaten 0





m4x4 oPos, v0, c0

m4x4 r10,v0,c4

m3x3 r8,v3,c4

mov oT0, v7

mov oT1, v7

mov oT2, v7

mov oT3, v7

//calculate texture space matrix from normal and up

mul r0,c31,v3.zxyw //-1,0,0

mul r1,c32,v3.yzxw //0,0,-1

sub r0,r1,r0

dp3 r0.w,r0,r0

rsq r0.w,r0.w

mul r0,r0,r0.w //normalized right vector

mov r1, c30 //0,-1,0

mov r2, r8

sub r9,c20,r10

dp3 r9.w,r9,r9

rsq r9.w,r9.w

mul r9,r9,r9.w //normalized light vector

m3x3 r3,r9,r0

mov r3.w,c30.w //transform light to texture space

add r3,r3,c18 //bias

mul r3,r3,c19//scale

mov oD0,r3

mov oFog,c90






action Shader_bumpmap




and I would give that action to the model correct?

OK, my only question is, there is reference to

"Texture[0] = <entSkin2>;//2te Skin im Model ist die Normal Map

Texture[1] = <entSkin1>;//1te Skin im Model ist die Textur"

entSkin2 and 1 being previously defined textures. How do I tell WED/A6/SED/C-Script/MED (whichever needs to know) which texture texture [0] is and which one texture [1] is?

Do I have to assign two skins in MED? the normal map into skin 2 and the actual texture into 1? Have I red this correctly - and if so, how do I do this?

That is the only part I'm stuck on - assigning the two textures to the model, I'm confused as to if I should do this in MED (and if so, how do I assign a second?) or if I have to do it through C-Script.

Thankyou for being patient with me all these times I ask (what to you must seem) basic questions.
