Originally Posted By: ventilator
Being a programming language instead of a scripting language, it should be faster than Unity's scripts
there is no difference between "scripting" and "programming" languages. that's a totally arbitrary distinction.
I've often seen the terms used to distinguish between an interpreted language and something compiled to machine code, but I'll take your word for it about the performance.


You wrote some false comments in your last post, lostclimate. Here is an interview where you can read that the indie version did not made too much money for the Unity makers:
"Unity Indie isn't generating a significant portion of our revenue, and we've always had this vision of democratizing our tools."
Actually there's a misunderstanding. lostclimate was saying that GS's sales are mostly Com and Pro, not Extra, in response to AlbertoT saying GS's situation would perhaps be the opposite of Unity's.

But imho the speed of the scriptinglanguage is not that much of an issue for a 3d engine unless you do sth really cpu intensive, like pathfinding.
To me that is a big deal. A lot of games need pathfinding, to continue your example. Even if you don't do something super cpu intensive, a faster language at least means you can run it on older computers (though I guess that could be a stretch, since graphics are usually the bottleneck).

Yes, and the same pro users can make it with Ogre, Irrlicht or Unity Indie, while not spending money.
That's not true with Unity Indie, given the lack of Render to Texture (huge these days) and PP effects.

Last edited by JulzMighty; 11/01/09 01:36. Reason: Shoulda finished reading all the replies first.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!