2 Firoball:
//I've extended the mesh converter so it only reads certain mesh subsets.
Can you share this? laugh

2 Blackchuck:
Breakable objects are almost ready in Newton's code, that is written in c++.. somebody just may convert it from c++ to lite-c and work is done laugh
i'm working on character controller and car controller, in addition i dont have enough time for that... maybe, after controllers i'll go to brekeable objects.

1st prize: Lite-C and Newton 2.17 by Vasilenko Vitaliy

Newton2 videos: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonVideos
LiteC+Newton2 discussion: http://tinyurl.com/NewtonWrapperDiscussion
Latest LiteC+Newton2 version(v23, from 29.10.2009): http://depositfiles.com/files/ae1l0tpro