You need to be using at least A7-7.50.
And if your using lite-c free, I dont know what its version is.

SHOW requires 7.66, if you are using an older version, replace it with VISIBLE.

'str_for_int' requires 7.50, if you are using an older version, replacing it with 'str_for_num' SHOULD work.

WWRAP requires 7.60, if you are using an older version, just delete the WWRAP flag.
But note that and text added to that TEXT panel will now only bo on the first line,
and will no longer auto-wrap to the next line when 'this' line is full.

Does anyone out there know what engine-version lite-c(FREE) is ATM ??

"There is no fate but what WE make." - CEO Cyberdyne Systems Corp.
A8.30.5 Commercial