[first i want to apologize for the choppy movement, i turned a setting off during the test and only after i received the video was i aware, its actually alot smoother but also far from completion ]

ok, well here we are presenting the artwork and coding done so far by a very awesome collaboration of people we're striving to bring something "new" to the market, we're also aiming to be one of the better games to come from the 3d gamestudio engine, what will seperate us from the majority isnt shown in this video however, the vid only shows the work done so far and doesnt reflect the quality of the game concept in any way, we mostly did it because of we're in need of assistance, any 2d artist that can handle menus, logos, emblems, so on and so forth, has a friendly personality and knows that creating a good game as alot to do with passion for the industry and not the rush for cash, feel free to contact us, we also need help from 3d artists, the list goes on, we however do have limited space and this is because, if the game succeeds, then we plan to pay everyone for their time and as you can imagine, increasing the team size too much would place a damper on that.

no i know ya'll are tired of hearing that and just wanna see videos, so here's our wip, proof of concept video, build 0.0.5:

we are indeed working towards a public playtest but we cant do that at the moment without risking sending our custom content all over then internet, so i'm also working towards getting a pro version, the .WRS combined with a few other techniques should be sufficient for what we want

thanks for reading:
tahir G - lead design, scripter
michael - 3d artist/animator
kostantine - 3d artist/animator
matt - 3d artist/animator