
I noticed you had a post on the NGD forum about this. Post

In NewtonJointLibraryMain.c, i believe you should replace the commented out lines with the uncommented lines. That works for me.

//typedef void NewtonUserJointDestructorCallback;
//typedef long NewtonUserJointSubmitConstraintCallback;
typedef void *NewtonUserJointDestructorCallback; 
typedef void *NewtonUserJointSubmitConstraintCallback;

Also, Julio has added some functions for the CustomHinge in the latest version 2.13. I made the following additions in your wrapper:

in NewtonJointLibraryMain.c:
// generic joint functions
JOINTLIBRARY_API NewtonJoint* CustomGetNewtonJoint (const NewtonUserJoint *joint); 
// Interface for a custom Hinge joint with Limits
JOINTLIBRARY_API dFloat HingeGetJointAngle (const NewtonUserJoint* hingeJoint);  
JOINTLIBRARY_API void HingeGetPinAxis (const NewtonUserJoint* hingeJoint, dFloat* pin); 
JOINTLIBRARY_API dFloat HingeCalculateJointOmega (const NewtonUserJoint* hingeJoint);

and in NewtonJointLibraryAPI.c:
// genetic joint functions
API (CustomGetNewtonJoint, jointlibrary)
// Interface for a custom Hinge joint with Limits
API (HingeGetJointAngle, jointlibrary) 
API (HingeGetPinAxis, jointlibrary) 
API (HingeCalculateJointOmega, jointlibrary)

I'd also like to say thanks for all your work on this! I find this wrapper very useful.

Joris Lambrecht
My Contributions: Relative Rotation, Window Sizing