I think we are going to have PLENTY of coders, both experienced and not.
Artists are our weak point, or so it seems to me, they appear few to be
and far between in these forums...

So I feel we should aim for a game with a low importance on model quality.

By preferance, I would like to see "Z"-like game with a bit more focus on the
resource-building side (lke settlers).
Or maybe you could say a Settlers-like game with more strategic combat control.
But with a zoom-able playfield of 3D models like Dawn-of-War series.
The actual "time-zone" of the entities is not important to me, but ...
A "command and conquer" style RTS of "humans vs zombies"? Ive never seen that...
(that also make the enemy AI easier to manage, zombies are pretty dumb)
And it can be 8-player multiplayer both co-op and competitive.

It would be especially cool if we can implement it through the
(apparently soon to be developed by conitec) web-interface.
I'd love to give Evony and its spawn a good kick in the face...

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