I once thought of an adventure game, tell me what you think:

"Go to bed, NED!"
Yep, the title is lame, but keep listening, you might find it interesting:

"You are NED, a little boy who lives in Nobodyville. One night, as Ned is about to pass into a deep slumber, he wakes up and exclaims: 'I'VE LOST MY TEDDY!'. Yes, that's right: Ned is missing his favorite bear, Ted, and he's not going to sleep without it."

The whole adventure would be based on Ned's adventures, trying to find his teddy bear. The game would be mostly situated at night, so 80% of all the town's residence (including his family) will be asleep. You know it's hard to interrogate someone about your teddy when they're trying to sleep...

Anyway, for every place you search for teddy, you get more points. You never find your teddy in those places, though: after collecting a certain number of points (you'll have to search a number of places and interrogate a number of people) Ned finally returns to his room, very upset at the loss of his Teddy, only to find it under his bed, where he never would've looked. I can imagine the player's surprise when he searches all over town for this dumb bear, just to find it under the kid's bed...

What do you think?

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!