The same poblem as always...
Too high plans for a first project. In my opinion it should be finished in less than half a year, for everything after this first step. It has to be simple and to progress fast, otherwize people will stop working on it and it will never be finished. And if the whole project actually end with not just george doing everything, then there still won´t be more than a samll "core team" with maybe 6 people and with some luck some donators, creating some very small parts.
Thus a quite simple puzzle game or maybe also a very linear hack and slay game could work, but everything else is just completely unrealistic. Yes, there are enough able to code complex things, but how many projects did you already finish? And how many of them have been big? I am pretty sure that the number isn´t high. And if we already fail on small projects when working alone, how should we then be able to finish a big game in a big team?

I btw, could probably help with some Lite-C and HLSL code...