Germanunkol: Thanks. I'll try setting this up when I have some time. Any chance you already have an executable out of this? It would save me some time from gathering all required files and publishing it for my friends that don't have GS installed.

I had this idea about a co-op adventure since I played Legend of Kyrandia on the Amiga. How cool would it be to have two or three people in the world trying to solve the story? Maybe in a fashion like The Lost Vikings where each person has his unique abilities. I'm not aware of any game that has done this and maybe there's an obvious reason for that that I fail to see, but this idea always intrigued me. It might be possible with GS since adventures don't require precision accuracy multiplayer, but again... multiplayer just complicates things. The whole code needs to be written to conform with the network code. Pathfinding, Movement, Ai, it will all need to go through the server if we want to reduce traffic. I really see this as a project doomed to fail.

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