that's weird. i've actually never seen a person formatting source code like you. i've seen several people not formatting it at all, but this is... interesting ^^. but if it works for you, why not.

i must agree on that. as long as i can read my code, i feel that most programmers can read and understand it in more or less the same time, depending on skill. why? i can read and understand almost every code and its function, some fragments take longer, some less time. since i don't think that i'm coding harder stuff than everyone else out there, nor that i code especially ugly or weird stuff i project my own experience onto others. i also don't comment that much - i'm sure you all know the citation "if you can say it with code, code, else comment".

obfuscating code on purpose might has its use but personally i think it's none of a good or fair practice. and then again it's two keystrokes in a proper de to indent it the way everyone is used to.

if you're counting source code lines (to come back to topic) it all comes down to the skill of the programmer. in big teams this sloc might give some kind of idea, but then again i'd rather not say rasternudel or what he was called here with his force return float4 stuff would have a bigger project on the run and even if it was a TSLOCer.