If I'm right there a few problems in your script...

STRING* WordText = "WWW";
This defines a string with a length of 3 character. I think your lines in your file could be longer than three characters. For this use something like this:
STRING* WordText = "#999"; //String with place for 999chars

STRING* fileString;
This is an empty pointer and no ready to use String-Object. Use str_create in a function or define it like you can see above.

WordText = file_str_read(myFile,fileString);
The function file_str_read returns a var with the length of the string that was been found. You can't save a var in a string pointer ... Oo

Then your while loop makes no sense to me. You try to run it three times and read the first three lines one after the other into the string 'fileString' ... Would you like to read the thrid line or what?

str_cpy((Word.pstring)[1], WordText);
This is the right code to copy a string into a text to show it on the screen. But remeber that your readed Text is in the string 'fileString' wink

So take this advices and try to fix your code. I hope I could help you a bit and have done no other mistakes grin