Thanks for that, but I'm not sure how to use it. Lite-c doesn't recognize any of those codes. Is that C++? Thanks anyways.
I thought of something else that might work.
What if I copy the file into a string, remove the line, then save it as a file again?
Only I'm not getting it done. I thought this should work:

while (i < 100)
	i += 1;
	str_cpy((testing.pstring)[0], newString); //for displaying results
	if (i >= 100) {file_close(myFile); break;}

but it's not. Should this not loop until all the lines are read, while appending each word to 'newString'?
So could you help me understand a few things, just in case I am missing a minor flaw (Forgive me if the flaw is major. This is new to me)?
For example, Why am I using '0' in 'str_cpy((Word.pstring)[0], WordText);' instead of '1' or higher? In the TEXT parameters, how can I set strings to unlimited (strings = 1;)?

Oh, and append appears to allow for reading.