The code from EvilSOB is liteC, too. It's a very good code, but just as complicated for beginners.

Your code should copy every content of 'WordText' at the end of 'newString'. Remeber to initialize newString with enough space like mentioned before.

- testing is your text-object
- pstring is the child which is holding the displayed strings
You have to use [0] because it's an array of strings and the index starts with zero allways. So if you use 'str_cpy((testing.pstring)[1], newString);' you copy the content of 'newString' into the second string of your text-object.

You can't create a text-object with a unlimited count of strings. While defining the object you have to suggest how much strings you might need, because you can't change this value during runtime, too. But I think there is no need for a text with unlimited strings. This object is for displaying strings on screen and there is limited space only. For saving strings there are better possibilities...

Sry for my bad english. Hope you get it wink