This topic's only 2 pages for me, since I've changed my preferences. Pages are annoying. If I wanted pages I would read books. But I don't. That's not to say I haven't. I have read books. We used to have 26-odd Star Wars books, and I read through all of those. And I mean novels, not colouring books. That's not to say I have something against colouring books. People place too little weight on the importance of colour. Or sometimes they just misunderstand the use of colour. I remember someone posted a behind-the-scenes video from Killzone 2 of their nuclear explosion, and the soldier is like "And always, always colour-correct your scene", to which I responded with a little lol. While the whole "I'm almost monotone" look suited Killzone 2 to a degree, too many games suffer from going for this look. The closest thing to colour correction that can be used as a general rule is Tone-mapping, and even then it's not always necessary since so many styles still don't need HDR. Colour-correction has its place for certain other effects as well (such as making a distinction between flash-backs and dreams and the real world, as well as some more specific uses if the goal is to emphasize certain colours in certain areas), but generally if you want your scene more yellow, use yellower light. If you want it more contrasted, reduce the ambient. But colour correct the whole scene? Going between a colour-corrected yellow tint to a blue tint is a fade, whereas going from a yellow-lit area to a blue-lit area with no colour correction allows you to see them side-by-side and appreciate (and even enjoy) the contrast between the two. Of course, it could easily be said that the emphasis on colour correction always was not actually such an emphasis, but add to his "I'm an angry over-the-top marine" character. As generic as that character is, at least it was solid, though. On the other hand, how many games have we played where the voice actors are terrible? I mean, they don't have to be great. My brother was playing Red Steel today -- don't frown on us, we just got a Wii and Red Steel was a bargain $10, so we had to at least give it a try -- and you can tell that the voice-actor's vision for his character was different to the script-writer's. Which was also different to the animator's. The character hardly moved, sounded like a tired recital, but the script clearly indicated someone with an animated sense of humour, friendly enough to make you feel comfortable around him straight away. If it's too much effort to have him audibly match the expectations of the script writer, don't! Let our imagination fill it in! That is: just have us read the text, like in many Nintendo games. The voice acting may be lacking, but the words alone fill out the character!


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!