61 fps in that tommy demo (I'm guessing it's fps max value is around 60? Why not make a demo without that max setting, to show how fast it really is?)
Beautiful presentation of the engine, awesome. Can't think of anything to make it better.
Model has seams on his wrists, other than that, great!

Anything on collision/movement so far?

Edit: Lua script, OpenGL... even a blender exporter which exports to blendelf? this ROCKS! just what I've been looking for... only thing that keeps it from being my next choice for a game seems to be that it's still in development and I haven't seen any game demos made with it...

Also, these rendering tests are quite nice, but could you also make a demo with lots of things showing at the same time? lots of trees/lots of shadows/lots of characters/lots of buildings... whatever?

And Am I reading the licence correctly: this is free for commercial use? (Apart from these small additions, that are pretty obvious)
If so, how save will it be to plan a game with this? I mean, many of us here are hobby artists, who start a project, get somewhere and then don't have the time to finish it. What I mean: if this is really free, you can't make a living off of it, and you also stated it was mainly for your own portfolio. So how sure can I be that it will continue to improve? Or are you even planning on doing that at all?

Last edited by Germanunkol; 01/18/10 17:34.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain