On second thought...


I was just going through the Wiki. I saw the bit about the template 7 system and thought "hey that might be a good way to jump in and get my feet wet at least". So, in looking to check it out, I followed the download link located here... and got an error page. This goes right back to the second issue I listed in my first post... broken links.

Conitec... Seriously guys... start doing a better job of providing and tracking resources for this system. 3DGS's support is amateur, at best; or a clear indication that you really don't care at worst. I can point to half a dozen projects run by smaller teams with less overall experience who proivde 100x the support you do for your own product.

I admire many of the projects I've seen being done with this system... but I think I admire the people who've managed to get past the horrible documentation and support this engine has even more. I don't know how you do it. Must take a lot more perseverance than even I have - and I have a lot, considering I keep coming back to try again, only to be put off for the same reasons every time.

Thanks to those who posted replies in this thread. I appreciate your time and feedback.

I just can't be bothered to deal with a product I have to struggle with to find any kind of basic, current and accurate support for.

Last edited by Preypacer; 01/23/10 16:51.