The member 'matrix' is missing from the 'MATERIAL' struct. I need this variable for the function 'mat_set'. Could you please add a definition for it?

Edit>>> While we're on the subject of material, I think there may be a bug floating about somewhere. I'm trying to apply the shader 'envglass.fx' from the 'GStudio7\Code' folder to a model...
MATERIAL mat_ent = EngFun.mtl_create();
ENTITY entity = EngFun.ent_create("blob.mdl", new Vector(150, 0, 0), null);
mat_ent.skin1 = EngFun.bmap_create("t_day_sky+6.tga");
entity.material = mat_ent;
entity.SHOW = true;

EngFun.effect_load(mat_ent, "envglass.fx");

The shader also needs 'default.fx' from 'GStudio7\Include'. The same code works fine in lite-c. I think it may have something to do with the 'mat_ent.skin1' as the shader uses this skin, and modifying the shader to use a skin embedded with the .mdl, works fine.

Last edited by DJBMASTER; 01/25/10 04:07.