in fact i already implemented some kind of mechanism to access this 'matrix', but as I now tried it myself, I had to recognize, that it doesn't work and is not that handy....
Thus I will implement a class 'MATRIX' (just like 'ENTITY' or 'VIEW), that offers function to get it's matrix as float[][] or set it with a float[][] and functions or properties to access each part of the matrix, like matrix41...
It's necessary to implement the matrix itself as class, as the engine functions can only access unmanaged memory, and thus the class will wrap a float[][] matrix in the unmanaged space of the application.

Concerning the bug - I tried your example and found only one difference between the wrapper and the lite-c version (i used the "sf_woman.mdl" as model and "skycube+6.tga" as bmap, both from the template folder) - the lite-c version gave me warnings, that "SKIN#01 - normal or height map missing" and that one 3 times! As I'm a real newbie in shader programming, this doesn't have to mean anything smirk
What was the error that occurred in your application ? What did differ between the lite-c and the c# version ?

I will fix the wrapper on the weekend - as I don't have that much time during this week ^^

Thanks in advance for your help in spotting down that error!

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread