Hey Larry, laugh

is that not-properely-moving-bot-after-level-change bug fixed in Pathfinding 3? I didn`t download it yet and find nothing in your manual so I`m wondering if it`s worth the move from IP2 to IP3. If it`s fixed, do I have demontrable advantages besides the bugfix or is it just the new handling? To be honest I`m very happy with IP2 at the moment including its handling and don`t see an obvious reason to switch over to a more hulking new version, apart from the bug. Is that bug hard to fix? I don`t really want to overwork my whole AI code to match the new pathfinding system to be honest...

Nevertheless I think you did a great job opening even beginners the world to a monumental pathfinding solution. On the other hand I`m very happy to have started with IP1 back in WDL-times because by doing this I could learn a lot from your code and algorithms laugh