I would also like to congratulate Superku for winning and I am also glad to be apart of this team. I saw Superku's protype video and enjoyed playing George's demo; it gave a good first feel for how the gravity aspect might work. If the player is a divinity and their image is displayed on walls within ruins, maybe the game can begin in an a complex system of underground burial chambers. The player could be mummified and emerges from a coffin after having been given their life back. As the player progresses through the game they relearn their abilities, mainly the ability to control gravity. I'm thinking underground burial chambers and such can be levels similar to what George proposed in his demo, while outdoor levels can have the feel proposed by Ganderoleg and demonstrated in moonmonkey. I like Germanunkol's idea of some objects being affected by the gravity switch; i'd like to suggest possibly telekinetic abilities controlled by the mouse. Each object being controlled can have a specific weight and the amount that can be lifted can be shown with some type of "life bar". For now I think exchanging game ideas is alright on this forumn, but once we begin development, we should be able to exchange files and comments via email or a private server. Good luck everyone.