Maybe player could also have some sort of mind powers when it comes to enemies. Something like: your on the cliff & a huge sneak is on the other side so you use your powers to force her to make a bridge by using her body. Or a huge Mammoth is opposite to a big pile of rocks so you use your illusion trick to make yourself seem big & scary so the mammoth would run away in the direction of the rocks and clear them off your path...

Btw: I always loved Angelas World & the idea of a little girl as a main character is great. ...and if she's in a dream environment that would gives us some space for more crazy things like: she can create guardians by imagining them, or change the enemies by transforming them into simple objects for a short time period...

I think robot would also be good. He could have non-fixed parts so if he needs, let's say, his hands to be in two different places at once he could just pull them off and send one to one switch and the other to the other switch. ...or be modular and change his body structure if he needs to go through small tunnel...

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