Ganderoleg, I like your sketches of the dark divinity and think that they keep closest to the design docs' intentions. I personally think there should be one hero character. I came up with some additional abilities that I think would add to the fun in destroying enemies and solving puzzles. I think each ability should be obtained after defeating a boss, and each ability will help the player gain access to previously unexplored areas of the game (similar to Metroid). The abilities are:
Quake:  Shakes the screen and loosens certain objects(rocks,boxes,gems, etc.) making them 
        fall.  Certain enemies will take damage.  Bar drains a fixed amount each use.

Telekinesis:  Allows player to move certain objects with mouse.  Hold down left mouse 
              button over object then move.  Bar drains faster with heavier objects. 

Air:  A gust of air travels in a vector from the player to cursor, pushing certain 
      objects and enemies.  May also cause some damage to enemies.  If solid objects
      block path, air movement will be restricted.  Bar drains as long as left mouse
      button is held down.

Fire:  Left clicking on objects or enemeies that are combustible will make them engulf
       in flames and take damage.  Every object and enemy must be individually clicked.  
       Bar drains fixed amount per click.

Ice:  Left clicking on any water object or enemy will cause it to freeze causing some 
      damage.  Is useful in creating ice bridges.  Every object must be individually 
      clicked.  Bar drains fixed amount per click. 

Microwave:  Holding down the left mouse button over metal objects will cause them to heat 
            up and explode.  Bar drains as object is heated up.

I think that the controls should be as follows:
W = move player toward the back of screen.
S = move player toward front of screen.
A = move the player left 
D = move the player right.
Space = Jump after one press... Change in gravity with two presses.
Right mouse click = Brings up a list of abilities obtained to the right of the cursor. 
                    Move cursor over desired ability and left click to select.
Left mouse click = Uses selected ability.

Please let me know what you think. I've started making some levels and am thinking of creating a web page so I can share them with everyone.