
Originally Posted By: jcl

So I'm open for suggestions how to make the start window look more pretty while still displaying the logo and the startup text in it.

While I have no problems with it, my suggestion would be to make a specific program in, say, MED, that allows you to change text, background color, window shape (to pre-defined sizes), text location (left, center, right), etc. So, for example, if you are doing a "black-and-white film noir" style game, you could have the window have no 'boarder', make the background almost-white, the text black, the font Garamond and on the left, and the size to resemble the dimensions of a piece of paper. For a futuristic racing game, perhaps a wide and thin black window with gold boarder, light blue text color, centered, with some futuristic'ish looking text, and the text size a bit bigger and in italics. For the Pro folks, allow them to add a background image to the window, perhaps a drop-shadow, and transparency?

Anyway, the point would be to be able to change the general look via the engine. It would still be there, but at least having a very "programmer b/w look" opening to your historical medieval simulation could be remedied.


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)