txesmi, that's pretty precise... I really look forward to making that menu laugh

I'd like to propose a "version" of the gamedesign idea, that we can mabye vote on. I'll try to incorporate and summarize the discussions that were done in the recent days while at the same time keeping it close to Superku's original Idea, since that was the one people voted for. The main difference to Superku's version will be that the player does not play the divinity, instead he plays a sister and her brother who are trying to get out of a dream world which the divinity brought the brother to.


Quote from Superku's game design doc: "Untitled Project is a sidescrolling Windows-PC jump'n'run that focuses on puzzles and especially on exploration."
Because of the "puzzle" element, I would not go for an open world, but suggest that the normal levels are "linear" levels. This would mean that the player can choose whether to use the upper or lower set of platforms within a level to complete it, but the goal is simply to get from the very left of the level to the very right of the level, to find a piece of the mystic amulet there and then get moved to the next level. In a later segment of the game, the levels could need to be played backwards, while trying to escape from the dream-world. The levels would be changed then, with a different mood and with more rocks/enemies in them. This is something we can decide on later though.
To fit the brother/sister theme, the world would be a dream-like world, with abstract plants and creatures, but in a nice, maybe even beautiful style, not in a horror or nightmare-ish way.

Characters: The player controls only the sister at first and, once she's found her little brother, the player can switch between the two at will (using keys 1 and 2 by default).
I wouldn't go for too many abilities, instead I'd only give one ability to each character and upgrade that further while moving through the game. It'll be simpler to code and focus more on the puzzle side of the game and less on a roleplaying-style-game.
Sister: (first character, in search for her younger brother):
  • 1) Gravitiy switching: Up/Down. This is done using the double-jump-method: you jump once, then while in the air your movement slows down a little, giving the player time to choose a direction (W and S keys by default). This direction will be the direction you will now fall to, because you've switched gravity.
  • 2) Gravity switching: Right/Left. See 1), except that the gravity can now also be changed to pull left/right (A and D keys by default).
  • 3) Gravity switching: With Movable Objects: Same as 1) and 2), except that when using this ability (TFGH keys), movable objects (boxes, crates, stones, enemies and the brother character) will fall into the given direction as well.
Brother: (second character, playable after you've found him)
  • 1) Time Period switching A: switching between two time periods, but only in special areas (close to shrines?)
  • 2) Time Period switching B: siwtching between two time periods, anywhere

Depending on the puzzles in the game, we can decide that the brother mustn't leave the "eyesight" of the sister, meaning that while playing one character you can only move him/her so far away that the camera, which follows the active character, is still seeing the other character.

Goal of the first part of the game would be to find the little brother, goal of the second part to find and destroy the divinity (we need a cool name for him :P) and goal of the third part of the game would be to leave the dream-world (and return to the sibling's bedchamber?).

Game Style: The game's a 2d Sidescroller, of course, but George has mentioned using 3d functions (c_trace/c_move), so I suggest that the game itself will be created in a 3d world with an isometric view, with sprites both infront of and behind the 3d world, that will form the background (trees, clouds) and foreground (grass, plants), while the 3d world will be the one that the user can interact with (characters, enemies, platforms/doors/boxes/crates/stones/spikes... whatever we need). This will allow the programmers to progress fast without needing any special 2d-work, they can use simple 3dgs-predefined functions and make testing-levels quickly. If we do it right, it could also result in a very unique style.

Are there any oppinions on this? Sorry for the long post tongue....

Last edited by Germanunkol; 02/10/10 19:39.

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-Mark Twain