Hello programming team,

I have been voted the coordinator for art-team and just wanted to tell you that there are few operational things that are still in decision-making process.

The EtherPad that is up in Artists Corner was created for graphical aspects (will the game artwork be 2D/3D, art pipeline, graphical style...) as the opposite to programming questions like: collision system, movement codes, hotseat/multiplayer... but all these solutions does concern the entire team and was to be presented for evaluation, discussion & voting also to the programmers team. They are started at Artists Corner because they are, in their essence, graphical questions.

I have sent a mail to George to see what he thinks how all this should be managed. Should these things be global from beginning(some sort of entire-project-pad) or started in separated corners and then brought for global evaluation & voting.

I hope no one is offended by my actions since they were not meant to be offensive. Once George decides on how this thing is to be managed everything will be cleared out.

>>Demos free3DModels Tutorials<<
>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<