[this was originally written on the team forum but i dont see a problem sharing it here, this is all multiplayer btw]

well its about time i started a post to show my daily progress in terms of coding, here i will list changes in the code structure and changes in gameplay elements:

-items are no longer individual weapons, meaning, you can carry a primary weapon, secondary weapon plus additional items

-scion now automatically handles the particle creation on different surfaces except multimesh entities which need more than one effect type.. -[restricted to team viewing]

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-a psuedo lag compensation has been implemented, this will rewind players on the server to past positions in an attempt to reduce lag

-the trace for shooting is no longer done in a single frame

-muzzle flashes now make use of the ent_morph function

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-the spectator mode now only uses an over the shoulder view

-a psuedo extrapolation is now done on clients, meaning, clients will now try and guess where a players next position update will arrive

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-shooting is now done with client side effects while the server inflicts the actual damages

-ragdolls now blend to the "down" animation

-implemented minor deathmatch scoring

Last edited by darkinferno; 02/13/10 15:03.