Hm, I see. Luckily it's not fatal.

Another question:
Can I assign pointers to engine object parameters?

override public unsafe void createComponent(int *posX, int *posY)
  BMAP myMap = EngFun.bmap_create("component.tga");

  myPan = EngFun.pan_create(null, 1);
  myPan.bmap = myMap;
  myPan.flags |= Flags.VISIBLE;
  myPan.pos_x.IntValue = *posX;
  myPan.pos_y.IntValue = *posY;

If the application behind the interface then changes the integers given through the function, the panel should move... but nothing appears to happen. Is it jammed at the IntValue part?

Nvm, I see now that I -sort of- can't pull pointers out of classes.

Last edited by Joozey; 02/18/10 01:06.

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