Well in my opionion (as I understood that video) he isn't blaming but just warning others not to do the same mistakes and to lack in self control the way he did.

The problem with games is, that they attract those of us, that might relly lack in their self control. It's quite similar to alcohol. Most of us won't say, that drinking alcohol is bad, when it isn't too much. When there is no addiction to it. But most of us also would agree on campaigns that warn from excessive drinking, so why not for games?

I like the video. It's just true. Games are dangerous. Alcohol is dangerous. Of course not when consumed in moderation. And finally nobody can be forced, to act, to consume in moderation. But he at least should be warned. Especially the youth shouldn't be let alone with that problem.

Last edited by RedPhoenix; 02/19/10 16:14.