Originally Posted By: DJBMASTER
I'm writing an application now that creates entities, sets some values and adds them to a list for later use. In Lite-C/C++ this is a nightmare, as you have to handle the memory allocation yourself. In C# it's just List<Entity>.Add(new Entity(bla...));

no, it isn't, that doesn't look like a valid code snippet to me; Add is no static member of List. even in c# you need two lines for that.
look here:

then it's:
llist *list = new_llist();
list_add(list, ent_create(...));

Originally Posted By: MMike
the char its just great..
char a = "hello"

do you mean string a?

Originally Posted By: Richi007
Something like this code is the best way to debug some problems you can't debug with the debugger laugh
catch(Exeption ex)

you're right that it is more painful to debug lite-c code than it is to debug with the visual studio, but that's not a feature of c#. exception handling is useful but code like yours doesn't solve problems, it just shows you that there is a problem, which is not the purpose of this language feature.

to add my opinion to this thread, i feel that people think with c# they'll be able to develop games more easily and faster. that's wrong. if you can't write your game in c, you can't write it in javascript or c#. why? because you're bypassing the most simple things in game development like arrays and reading files. this is basic knowledge and with, say, 10000 lines of your own code you have an equally powerful code set which is both faster and more flexible. and then people who don't know how to read a file and store it in strings with a7 don't know the engine very well. the .net library is an easy-to-use and extremely powerful collection of functions that noone really knows by heart, but if you're giving me examples of how easy it is to create entities in c# or to have lists or whatever you have mentioned it will just make me laugh. c# is so much more.

Originally Posted By: Richi007
Look, how much code do you need in lite-c to read out a simple file and store the values to something. In c# you have minimal one Line:
string[] data = File.ReadAllLines("test.txt");

that's exactly what i'm talking about. honestly, if you're not good at english, you start learning french, and then, because you're not good at french you try chinese? c# is not the answer to everything.

TEXT* lines = {strings = 2000; }
txt_load(lines, "test.txt");

does the very same job. that's a damn lot of lines.

sorry if my words sound a bit harsh but i felt like here were some people discussing a matter they haven't really understood in first place.