Thanks for the reply.
Yes, lava is on my to-do list. Ok, I will use 2-3 background layers.

When I started to develop the game I considered making a fusion of jump'n'run and RPG but deferred the idea to its possible successor. In January I asked myself why should I develop a game when I'd rather make a different one, so here it is: a side scrolling role-playing jump'n'run.
There will be 5 character classes that play completely different, story and game world's main concept are finished.
I hope to finish it until the end of 2012 and I will try to produce 10h+ playtime so I can sell it and finally make some cash with gamestudio after 9 years so far. laugh

What I've got so far:
A configurable fast-select system for spells and weapons where you link them to 2 attack buttons (like in NES Zelda) and the first spell, a chargeable light/energy sphere that can be thrown in 8 directions. When at full scale, the sphere can be placed in mid-air, smashed by Superku's cape or combined with another full-scale sphere to cause triple damage.

(click to enlarge)

And a VIDEO .

Criticism, comments and ideas are welcome!

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends