Just to clarify my intentions Rei....
I dont mean to make a new Med as a full-blown 3D modelling APPLICATION,
there are plenty of good freeware ones around already, and many
modellers prefer very different interfaces when they work.
I myself use different apps for different 'types' of models.
(characters vs architecture vs terrain vs accessories)

I DO mean to turn it into a tool to allow you to IMPORT static(or even animated)
models from other formats (as it does already, but improved with more intuitive-ness),
and to improve its ability to "tweak" those models (like rag-dolling, clothing, etc),
animate them, skin/map them, add and edit materials and shaders(real-time),
and to preview what they will REALLY look like in-game
(possibly combined with other already completed models)
in real time, at each step...

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