Originally Posted By: Pappenheimer
Originally Posted By: Tman
Unity is great I had an issue with it's state management system, which is seemingly going to get worked out. I might just switch back to complete my project.

Anyone wanna give a script example of a function from Unity that feels comfortable for a C-Script/Lite-C user? blush

For instance, how would I write things like camera looks at me, enemy follows me, state switches from attack to flee...

Camera looks at me (all in C#):

public Transform playerPtr;

void Update()

assign it to the camera in the editor, and drag n drop the player into the "playerPtr" field. done.

Enemy follows player is simliar:

public Transform playerPtr;

void Update()
  transfor.Translate(Vector3.forward * 20); // Move enemy into his forward Vector

Apply to enemy, drag n drop player into the playerPtr field, done.

For statement switches, i actually always use ENUMS

private enum MoveStates

private MoveStates moveState;


// If player comes too close, flee
if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, playerPtr.position) < 1))
  moveState = MoveStates.FLEE;

void Update()
    case MoveStates.FLEE:
      transform.Translate(-Vector3.forward * 10);

It would run away backwards, looking at the player, but just to get an idea how you would make it.

Is it that what you wanted to know?

i left out the class definitions and library includings, as this is genereated automatically when creating a script anyway and looks the same for almost any script anyway.

it is just a plain:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class scriptName : MonoBehaviour 
  void Start()

  void Update()

Last edited by Captain_Kiyaku; 03/10/10 22:58.

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