Originally Posted By: darkinferno
yes i knw but i wasnt talking about the engine PLUS addons, i mean, not everyone wants to apply a shader to every model they wanna light nicely, basically am not worried too much because from what i see so far, GS can be great under the right user.. i just wish the engine was marketed more and given a facelift, starting with this dumbsh*t of a website, heard them mention something about wanting videos for a video gallery then what? nothing... nothing at all... and umm, to everyone thinking of A8? lol, oh stop.. it aint happening any time soon..
I don't want A8 anytime soon -- that's just time to shell out money.

The shader features can't be called an addon. That's like calling Lite-C an addon. And they're no more difficult than Lite-C.

As far as I know ShadeC is 100% Lite-C and HLSL -- all natively supported by A7.

So many people are just too scared to try the shader workshop.

Windows 7 took off really well -- the only reason I see to change the engine version from A7 to A8 will be when DirectX 11 gets supported.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!