>But I agree, there are some nice small scenes around, made by some skilled >shader programmers. I admire this.
[referring to *.map/*.wmp/3DGS Wed-created with shader scenes...]

I suppose traditional map creation is part of the niche for Game Studio. There are 1000s of *.map based assets (many included as prefabs for free in Wed) that can be utilized in A7 and not in Unity, and the process of creating new ones is one that is easy to get into in Wed. Compare this with say... the inability to build structures in Unity...or building a level in Maya or Max for export to unity. Instead with 3DGS, build your BSP model in WED, light it, and populate it with entity props (with LODs). Make some functions/actions to attach to entities. Slap a skybox in if you have to. Set your clipping plane as close as possible and you've got a fast level in 3DGS/possibly a finished game. That will be good enough for many. 3DGS just needs to showcase the ease that this can be done.

I think a lot of what can be done with 3DGS simply hasn't. [I'm talking about we users here/3DGS potential to be used to make something cool. I know a lot of cool stuff has been done-- just talking about potential.] It does need better marketing and presentation.

I would be cautious about everyone jumping on the bandwagon of complex shaders
in PC games. The average PC user has a 5 year old computer. Shader tech limits your target market, increasing game dev time and skills required, increases file size reducing feasibility for digital downloads and taking dev time away from gameplay.
I've started work on a simple single player FPS, and I'm avoiding shader use. I hope to opt for a distinctive style. We'll see...just working on art assets now.

Switching gears back to scene management/culling:
Unity has a far camera and a near camera. It has the ability to leave a gap between the two. This has interesting implications for culling. If you're in a valley, you could see distant building tops peaking over the hills, but ignore the geometry in the valley just over the hill. Perhaps this would be easy to add to 3DGS...

I think for everyone a healthy attitude is to see the engines more as various tools in a tool box and less as racers trying to win a race. Is FPS Creator beinq squashed by Game Studio? No, they're just different tools. Ask yourself a similar question about 3DGS and Unity.

Last edited by vertex; 03/13/10 05:28.