My primary point is that use of the best shader tech provides challenges from the perspective of a small developer trying to finish a product. If you make a million poly model to get your normal map for every prop (text book method), in a small team you're in for some trouble. The general public has no idea what a shader is. They're looking for game play that lets them forget about troubles.

I worked with Constructor using TGEA. GG dropped portals/BSP in TGEA (coming from TGE)-- not sure what happened or what is going on with interior rendering with current Torque 3D. Constructor is an app made not by the GG team and took a long long long time to come out.

C4 and Unity primitives might be useful, though they're not BSP.

My general point is that, you can easily select the tool that you need to do the job, but you must also be careful of the job that you are trying to do.

I think a healthy attitude too is that it's a great time in the industry-- so much going on.