This guy claimed to put shame all of the races of any 3d card/game engines/modeler competition,still kind of proof of concept thought, take a look at this demo : , he claimed for one instance of animal entities consist of bilions of polygon,not to mention he build hundred of the animal in shape of pyramid and multiply with another several same shaped pyramid,wow at first i thought it's unbelievable,from i see the guy seem to be hiding the scene from any single even tiny movement at all apart from moving along the camera projection,that's where i think where is the problem is,because when the movement(explosion,deformation,etc) happened it means there is no shortcut for his concept to run the movement of his instanced trilion of point to be simulated into new position?i don't have any phd in math besides my names but let see shall we laugh ,from my opinion this could be good for brand new rendering engine for 3d modeler?.

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Last edited by alpha12; 03/13/10 18:10.