3DGS is not bad. It is just outdated. It`s 20th century, but we live in the 21st. In the end it was the stoneage workflow of 3DGS that made me switch. I hated to even touch it anymore. Meh, again a dozen mouse clicks just to find out that the shader isn`t attached, the model doesn`t show, the texture is wrong. Even starting the game is half a point n click adventure with text output. So let`s fix this and try again, let`s fix that and try again, just to find yourself in the same situation again and again ...

In Unity i have everything in one editor. I apply shaders with one mouse stroke, see the result immediately, hit play and am ingame, have even wysiwyg in the level editor, and and and. Unity is Next Gen. 3DGS simply lacks a generation.

Time is a very important issue for me. I`m a hobbyist. And my lifespan is limited. So it`s not a "being a newb/noob" reason when i want the fastest workflow. I prefer the one click solution wherever possible. Making a game is unbelievable time consuming anyways. And as a hobbyist i am happy about every hour i don`t have to spend with stuff that could be done with one mouse click instead. Hours that easily adds to manyears over the time. And makes the difference between a hobby project that is impossible to finish and a hobby project that gets finished. This counts even more the more advanced games you want to make.

See, not only Joe and Jane Pixel are well advised to use the tool with the faster workflow. And we haven`t even talked about engine features. Here i clearly see Unity in front of 3DGS too. At the latest with the upcoming version 3 laugh

trueSpace 7.6, A7 commercial
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