well i didnt wanted to be the killjoy but after reading all of this i thought i had to share some thoughts too.

Reading all of those excitement posts regarding the new unity i still keep wondering one thing: Where the hell are those fabulous state of technology projects hiding that cant be finished and released because of some indy game engine limitations.
It sounds like all of us cant make the next mass effect, unreal or wow just because we cant get gs or unity or averagejoeengine to run some basic shaders.
we are all just waiting for this engine that will make it possible for us to beat high end high payed professional gamedeveloper studios out there.

What the hell happened to "design your project and pick the engine that fits your needs". not worth anything anymore?!

People here are complaining about tools and useability while at the same time there is not one gs project or even indy game project on the way that would require any better workflow then we already have.
There are no huge landscapes or levels out there for indy games. The reasons is simple: WE LACK MANPOWER

I totally disagree with the statement that indys dont have time. If we have something then its time. Compared to big studios we are Tiger Wooding in time.

The only reason why indys fail is very very very simple. It has nothing to do with shaders, or leveling tools or engines. Its all about STAMINA.
Finishing your project requires hard hard hard hard hard work.
And most of us here start gamedev because they wanna have fun and not hard work and sleepless nights.

You guys argue about the color of the hammer you want to use to hang up a picture while on the other hand you dont even want to paint it.

Unity is as good as any other engine. It offers a few more tools. It has a decent coding language but in no way will this make games for you.
As far as i am concerned i dont like the pricing politics of unity. Paying everything extra and having to upgrade the engine every 6 months aint my way of developer symbiosis (the engine was released barley a year ago and now its already version 3? how about some free updates here)

First game then game engine. At lest thats the way i see it.
if you like features and shaders get yourself a game with modding tools and create levels and mods for it. dont waste your time and health trying to create games. you will fail anyway.

Goooooo engines! The holy grail and main excuse for unfinished projects.
May you live forever!


Models, Textures and Levels at: